Friday 24 July 2015

23rd – 24th July 2015
Penzance to Ilfracombe
We had an uneventful trip from Penzance up to Ilfracombe with a nice stop for coffee, that is until it started to rain.  Thankfully it didn't last long.  We went for a nice walk when we reached Ilfracombe yesterday which was just as well because today’s weather was horrible and we only stayed out for a couple of hours.  It was long enough to see the interesting tunnel beaches and the little church with its lighthouse on Lantern Hill.  Of course we stayed out long enough to have a coffee break in the morning & a tea break complete with crumpets a bit later.

I am sitting at our seagull poo covered window looking out at the dreadful weather and hoping it clears up overnight.  There are millions of seagulls (they are protected God knows why) and they are a real nuisance and have even killed a small dog and attacked a women the other day and split her head open. Oh and they don’t shut up day or night!!!

Only a couple of on the go’s.

Coffee stop.

Lots of photo’s from Ilfracombe.

Ilfracombe harbour and Verity statue. 

Enjoying another English summer day.  At least we had the beach to ourselves.

More of the harbour.

Views from Lantern Hill.

This is the Church which is also the lighthouse (the oldest operating in the UK ) on top of the hill.  The poem was hanging on its wall.  Look closely at the address of the author!  For those of you who don’t know Maurice and I both went to Taperoo High school !!! What a small world.

One for the Kombi fans.

Our hotel for the last couple of nights.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

                                                    2015 07 22 Day trip to Lands End

21st – 22nd  July 2015
Chepstow, Wales to Prenzance, England

A bit of a drizzly trip down to Penzance and most of it spent on the motorway so no on the go’s today.  Fortunately though it cleared up a bit by the time we got here.  It is a great seaside town and we found a place to stay right on the sea front with  great views of St Michael Mount and Newlyn.  We took a ride out to Lands End today so we can say we have ridden from one end to the other of the UK. It was a bit disappointing that you can’t even stand near the sign post to get your picture taken with out paying and that’s after you pay to park as well.  It is very commercialised out there which we didn't expect.

The scenery & weather was really nice today and it even got a bit warm at one stage.  It is really quite pretty in this area and the ride through the narrow roads/lanes is great as long as nobody is coming the other way!

Views around Penzance.

A bit of the view from the Digs.

Out and about.

Yep this is the road the GPS took us on.

Maurice took this for Lyn Staple.