Saturday 27 June 2015

26th June 2015
Santa Pola to El Saler

Yesterday after a very nice breakfast we continued our way up the East coast to El Saler, a place we stayed in 2012.  It was a relatively short uneventful ride.  The weather is definitely warming up and when we reached the caravan/ camping park we were ready for a swim.  The day continued to be uneventful other than having a rather nice late lunch at a  restaurant that we had been to in 2012.

Unfortunately I ended the day with a migraine which wasn't helped by the large amount of mosquitoes that invaded our little cabin or the neighbours who talked incessantly until early hours of the morning only to be replaced by another set of neighbours who decided to make even more noise when they came back to their cabin about 4.30am. 
Lucky it was cheap!

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