Sunday 16 August 2015

2nd – 6th  August 2015
Caldicot, Wales 
It has been a while since I have updated the blog (it is now  the16th August) and my trouble is I have to remember everything we have done in that time, not so easy with a memory like mine, lucky I have thousands of photo’s to remind me.

As always the time in Wales went really quickly and there were still people we would have liked to catch up with, especially since the relatives seem to double in number every time we go with all the new arrivals (still waiting to hear about the arrival of Freddie, the latest great, great nephew).  There is more things we would have like to have seen as well.  The weather could have been a bit friendlier, but all in all it wasn't bad.

We spent a great day out at St Fagan’s, a fantastic outdoor Museum/Park that shows all the different Welsh houses throughout the years as well as the original Manor House (St Fagan’s Castle).  

A great day out with Judith, Tracy, Ed, Felix & Freda.

Some of the houses.

One of the out houses!

The Manor house & garden.

Hand stitched sofa in the music room.

Maurice was envious of the rotisserie set up in the kitchen.

Another great day out was spent with Judith and her friend Carol at Bourton-on-the Water, dub the Venice of the Cotswold's because of it’s cute little bridges over the stream. A very quaint English town that had something for everyone including a Motor Museum to keep Maurice happy, ice cream & fish and chips and a miniature Bourton-on-the-Water.

Well I did say it had some thing for everyone!

The main reason for us going to Wales is to catch up with family & relatives and that’s just what we did at Peter & Josie's while they waited patiently for the arrival of their latest Great-Grandson Freddie. We also got to check out Peter’s famous allotment!  

Some of Peter's art.

The next morning and another catch up with Alison, Michelle, Arianne & the girls.

A day in Bristol keeping an eye out for sheep of the Shaun type! 

Enjoying the exhibits in the M-shed on Bristol wharf.

Doesn't matter where we go Maurice always seems to find something about Motorcycles. This time the speedway article on display was about Aussie riders.

The river Avon.


Shaun and two of his disguises. 

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